Storage Warrior Blog

Big News! We’re Launching a Reseller Podcast
For years and years, people have loved our stories about reselling, from the big hauls to the big fumbles, the odd characters and most eccentric customers. Finally, Jess is putting all of it together in a new podcast for resellers called The Business of Reselling.
Launching this summer, The Business of Reselling podcast explores the world of reselling from the business side. What does it take to scale up and go full time? What is the life of a multi 6-figure reseller like? Is it possible to sell $1 million a year in vintage stuff? Come on my journey, and let’s find out together!

From Blog to Podcast
Historically I’ve neglected this blog even though I’ve always had stories I wanted to share with our Warrior community. My hope is to revive it by transforming this blog page into a podcast page, with a new entry for each episode! That way you’ll start to get all the great content I’ve always wanted to share here, but in audio (and occasionally video) form. So, while you’ll definitely be able to get the RSS feed and never miss an episode, all the show notes and links will live right here on this page.
More about the Business of Reselling Podcast
If you’re a vintage & collectibles reseller who wants to grow their business, become full time, scale up, increase profits, and learn more about the lifestyle of 6- and 7-figure resellers, this is a podcast you’ll want to tune into every week. It’s not a how-to or guide to the basics for beginner sellers – although no matter your level of selling experience, you’ll definitely learn something here!
I’ll explore all the pains and pleasures of growing reselling from a hobby to a full time business, from figuring out how to replace the income from your job, to strategic business guidance, to the professional dilemmas we all inevitably face as people who buy old stuff and sell it for more money. I’ll share selling secrets from million dollar e-commerce sellers, experiment with my own business, share my successes and failures, and – hopefully – sell a million bucks worth of stuff while showing you how to do the same.
The format will usually be 30-minute episodes with a mix of interviews with other sellers, tips and tricks for increasing sales, e-commerce news, our most exciting sourcing stories and even listener questions, so there will be lots of variety. On alternating weeks, you’ll get a “Just the Tip” 5 to 10-minute episode focused in on one specific action or thing you can do to get you just that much closer to your reselling goals.
Got an Episode Topic Request?
I’m definitely looking to offer the content YOU want, so if you’ve got an idea for an episode, hit us up at [email protected] and let us know what you want me to do an episode about!
For now, just get signed up at and you’ll be notified as soon as the podcast launches this summer!