Storage Warrior Blog
The Business of Reselling Episode 11: 6 Tips for Scaling Your eCommerce Business (VIDEO)
Heads up! This is a video episode. If you’re listening on Spotify, Apple or another podcatcher, you won’t be able to see the slides. Check it out on YouTube instead via the link below! Oh, and sorry about the watermark on the video. I had SO much tech trouble, I ended up using a Camtasia trial version and that was the result. Perhaps I’ll re-record it some day!
For Episode 11 (our first video episode!), Jess is taking a quick break from her ongoing series on sourcing, to review her 6 Tips for Scaling your Reselling Business to 6 Figures and Beyond. Jess presented this information in a networking session at eBay Open 2022, and after receiving so many requests for the slides, notes and other material, she decided to record it all again as a podcast episode!
The 6 Tips are:
1. Raise Your Average Selling Price
2. Put a Value on Your Time
3. Document Your Processes and Build Systems
4. Source Better Stuff
5. Get Help
6. Don’t Fear Failure!
Here’s that YouTube link to watch it:
By the way, the BOSS Reseller Remix is coming up soon, October 10-14! If you can’t attend in person, you can still get a virtual ticket. Go to to check out the great list of speakers, including Jess herself!
Start Selling on eBay:
Research sold prices with Worthpoint:
(please note: I may receive a small commission if you sign up for services through any of these links)
YouTube: The Business of Reselling by Storage Warrior: